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Chapter Meeting & Speaker
From Adversary to Ally: How to Coach the Inner Critic
Regardless of the type of coaching/work you do, we all/all coaches run into the brick walls built by that voice in our head that says we’re not good enough in one way or another. We experience it ourselves/in our business as it
- prevents us from powerfully building our business,
- has us believing one more certification or course is what we need, or
- keeps us from charging what we’re actually worth.
We see it everyday in our clients as/On the inside it shows up as:
- lacking confidence,
- feeling like an imposter,
- even as procrastination and confusion.
It’s the biggest block we all experience and one that costs us so much time, energy, and money.
There are lots of great tools and techniques out there that help to address that inner critic, but the vast majority of those tools go only so deep. They tend to help for a little while but don’t really get to the root of what’s going on.
So, how do we help our clients move past the inner critic in a way that is effective and sustainable without having to be a therapist? That’s what we’ll explore in this presentation.
CCEs available for this training:
Event Details:
- 6:00PM-6:30PM Coaches chat!
- 6:30PM–8:00PM Program and presentation
- Zoom Call - You will receive the link in your confirmation email.
*Come at 6 PM to chat with other coaches! You'll be diverted to a breakout room with 3-4 other coaches who are also ready to have a conversation and network. A great way to form your coaching connections and community!
Meeting Fees:
Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings.
- ICF Local (Austin) Members and Affiliates - FREE
- ICF Texas Chapter Members - FREE
- ICF Global Members, Non-ICF Local Members -$20
- Guests (Non ICF-Local or Global Members) - $20
BIO: Paul Boehnke
Paul Boehnke, sought after speaker, author and certified life coach helps millennials and business leaders become more effective by clearing the fog of doubt, self-criticism and overthinking that prevents them from realizing their true purpose.
As a classical musician, Paul Boehnke stumbled on a unique process that not only helped his performances but could easily be applied to taming the negative thoughts of his inner critic. Then he realized this process not only works for him but works for everyone, musician or not.
In his book, "Thoughts On Demand: Turn Negative Self-Talk into Unstoppable Confidence" he shares the process that he uses to help clients transform that little voice in their heads that argues for their limitations into a champion of their potential instead.
To learn more about Paul, go to